Tuesday 15 November 2011

Numbers-15 (CAT-2008)

Suppose the seed of any positive integer n is defined as follows:
seed(n) = n, if n < 10
= seed(s(n)), otherwise,
where s(n) indicates the sum of digits of n. For example, seed(7) = 7, seed(248) = seed(2+4+8) = seed(14) = seed(1+4) = seed(5) = 5 etc..
How many positive integers n, such that n < 500, will have seed(n) = 9?
 (1) 39             (2) 72                (3) 81              (4) 108                                   (5) 55
Solution follows here:
It is asked that the sum of digits of a number should be 9
=> it is nothing but the divisibility condition of 9
=> we need to find number of multiples of 9 below 500
=> 9,18,27,….495
=> 495 = 55*9 => there are 55 multiples of 9 below 500.

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